common house events

Friday, 18th December, 7pm – 11pm. Music, DJ’s, drinks on donations. Save the Date! Note: The party is taking place at The Old Fire Station, 61 Leswin Road, N16 7NX Tickets – or to donate even if you can’t make it to the party: £5 (waged): £3 (unwaged):

Read More Common House Xmas Fundraiser @ The Old Fire Station

Come to an evening of art and encryption on Sat 21st November, 6-10pm at the Common House. Autonomous Tech Fetish is proud to present a bizarre crypto bazaar, with stalls for practical encryption skills, the launch of Charles Hutchins and Jet Moon’s interactive installation Please Touch and chance to meet the developers of Freepto, a secure…

Read More AntiUniversity: Cryptobazaar | Cryptobizarre. (Sat 21st Nov, 6-10pm)