The Common House Emergency Crowdfunder is now officially OVER! Sit down, kick back, it is done. We’re thrilled to have made it to £15,300, with the generous donations of 355 supporters. This will make a huge difference – it means we can stay open and keep providing space for so many great projects. Thank you all so much!
But this is just the beginning – everyone’s donations will take us through into June but we want to continue far beyond that. At our next Common House Assembly on 10th September, we’ll look at how Common House is structured and how we can make it not just sustainable, but more open and accessible to crucial causes, marginalised communities, and low-income people. Following this, we will have a special weekend 23rd- 24th September, which will feature an exciting musical fundraiser night and opportunities to get involved with the space in new ways. Watch this space.
In the meantime, if you’re able and willing, the Friends of Common House scheme is still open, where you can make a regular donation or one-off to keep Common House going:
Thank you again to everyone who contributed to the crowdfunder, made lots of noise about it, and helped us out in so many ways, big and small. Keep on commoning!
With love and solidarity
The Common House