At Sunday’s assembly member groups shared updates on their recent activities, which for Concrete Action include working on an action that confronts gentrification as a race issue, and for Queerspace, signing up to the London Bi Pandas pledge to be actively antiracist within their organising. We’ve been organising online workshops on knowing your rights when the police turn up, with legal advice as well as advice and discussion on how to handle such situations best in real life. Feminist Fightback is continuing to work on its migrant access to healthcare project. We would like to publicise more of member groups’ events on the website and via social media, so as to get broader participation, and we’re putting together guidance on how this can be done.
We had a serious discussion around the question of “where next” for the Common House, given that it’ll probably be a while before we can use the physical space for meetings and events. We decided we need to hold another one day vision workshop, to decide how the Common House can best fulfil its purpose of building and maintaining radical left infrastructure. We will hold this in September and all members will be receiving an email invite – we hope that as many of you as possible will attend!
We also decided to organise a Skills for the Struggle workshop on accountability, and to ensure that the Common House itself has proper processes in place should things go wrong.
If you are interested in being involved in any of this, and/or would like to come to the next Assembly (on Sunday 6th September 2020), just drop us an email at